Dental Plan

Cigna Dental HMO Plan

No annual deductible and no charge for most preventive services. Please click here to view the Patient Charge Schedule.

Cigna Dental HMO Plan
In-Network Only
Calendar Year Deductible
Annual Benefit Maximum Per Member (excluding orthodontia)
Per IndividualN/A
Preventive CareYou Pay
Exams, Cleanings, X-rays, Flouride TreatmentsNo charge for most preventive services
Basic ServicesYou Pay
Fillings, Space Maintainers, Sealants, Extractions, Oral Surgery, Endodontics, Periodontics, Emergency ExamsPre-set copay provided in Patient Charge Schedule
Major ProceduresYou Pay
Crowns, Inlays/Onlays, Dentures and Bridgework, RepairsPre-set copay provided in Patient Charge Schedule
OrthodontiaYou Pay
24-Month Treatment Fee - Additional fees will apply for pre-ortho visits and treatment, records and retention and banding.
ImplantsYou Pay
 Pre-set copay provided in Patient Charge Schedule
Mental Health & Substance AbuseYou Pay
AdultsPre-set copay provided in Patient Charge Schedule
ChildrenPre-set copay provided in Patient Charge Schedule